Please check out the new video on C3 (Connecting Cultures through Counterpoint), our platform launched during the COVID-19 pandemic. We profile Mexico’s only trumpet school and the challenges it has faced to remain open:
Mourning Ebere Valentine
One of the best friends that Cultures in Harmony projects has given me, Ebere Valentine, passed away of kidney failure in Nigeria on November 5, 2020. Ebere, trained as a minister in his native Nigeria, was living in Cameroon when he contacted me in 2008 after hearing a podcast about Cultures in Harmony. At the […]
Sr. Ruth Lewis (1946-2020)
We are deeply saddened to learn of the death from coronavirus of Sr. Ruth Lewis, a Pakistani nun who truly lived out her faith. Since 1969, she ran Dar ul Sukun, a home for the disabled in Karachi, Pakistan. Cultures in Harmony and FEW the band presented concerts there in February and August 2012. These pictures show us with Sr. […]
First video of new platform: from Congo!
The first video of our new platform, Connecting Cultures through Counterpoint, is now on YouTube. It’s called Congo: Music Surviving and shows musician and activist Bernard Kalume Buleri reflecting on the role music plays in Congolese society and his experience having survived two pandemics, Ebola and coronavirus.
Bach para perros
We at Cultures in Harmony hope that all our friends, supporters, musicians, and partners around the world are staying at home, safe from the spread of COVID-19. At this time, we are evaluating how best to provide musical enrichment to young Tunisian musicians, given that our main project planned for 2020 is our annual music […]
How is our #GivingTuesday request different?

This #Giving Tuesday, Cultures in Harmony would like to offer you a unique opportunity: to give the gift of connections. Connections between you, the young musicians we will teach in Tunisia in 2020, and the musicians we will send to teach them. There’s no telling where these connections will lead: former students at our workshops […]
Our first monthly donor
When I thanked Abigail P. for becoming our first ever monthly donor, here’s what she wrote about her decision to donate to Cultures in Harmony: “I participated in one of your projects about ten years ago now. As for why Cultures in Harmony, well, I really wanted to contribute to music/arts/culture. So I foresee myself […]
Tunisia vlog about junior workshops
At the end of August 2019, alumni of our collaboration in Tunisia with Atlas Music Academy conducted music workshops for the children of Beni M’tir. Brahim made this engrossing, touching, quick-moving video that beautifully captures the enriching and life-changing nature of these workshops, which help introduced the children of this small community to the joy […]
Oliver Horiwa
It is a shock to learn of the death on April 13 of Oliver Anodiwanashe Horiwa of Zimbabwe. Since 2006, he and his family have been key players in Cultures in Harmony‘s work in that country. Oliver did many things professionally, but connecting them all was a passion for celebrating, preserving, and supporting the beautiful […]
Tunisia: $7,000 or bust
Cultures in Harmony has built bridges, note by note, smile by smile (instead of brick by brick) since our first project, in 2005…in Tunisia. While we’ve implemented exciting cultural diplomacy projects in over 16 countries, Tunisia has been our most consistent project, before and after the Arab Spring. In 2019, once again we will send outstanding American […]