This #Giving Tuesday, Cultures in Harmony would like to offer you a unique opportunity: to give the gift of connections. Connections between you, the young musicians we will teach in Tunisia in 2020, and the musicians we will send to teach them. There’s no telling where these connections will lead: former students at our workshops in Tunisia, conducted in collaboration with the Atlas Music Academy, have built careers in France, the UK, and Argentina. We’re also looking at how to build new collaborations, with the Rarámuri community (which includes many violinists) in the Sierra Tarahumara here in Mexico, and in Goma, Congo.
The political climate of our world (like the climate generally) continues to heat up, and the connections forged between two musicians who can speak more easily through harmony continue to constitute an excellent way to cool things down.
As you plan your #GivingTuesday contributions, please make your tax-deductible contribution to Cultures in Harmony today.